We're Back!!!!!!
We have had a terrible time getting started again. However, it looks like we can finally start easing back into rehearsing this month. If all goes well, we will have music ready for our Spring Concert in May. This will be a free concert in Riley Park. More to come on dates and time.
Gary Davis
President, BOD-Brandywine Wind CCB
Our Mission:
To provide an artistic avenue for area musicians to prepare and perform music for the enjoyment of our community and each other.
One of the driving forces behind the formation of The Brandywine Wind is a phenomenon known as the “comeback player”. There are thousands of young people who participate in band during their high school years. However, only a handful of these continue with music throughout college and beyond. For the rest of us, those old memories of camaraderie, concerts, and the joy of making music together are not lost, but rather are set aside. They become rekindled as that old instrument case is opened, the smell of valve oil and seasoned brass precedes the feel of that former friend as it seems to fit within your hands just the way it did back in the day. Maybe those first sounds are not quite as sweet as the memories, but, as you play, the notes begin to fit. When you begin to play with other like-minded folks and actually make music that is fun to play, great to listen to and challenging to master, you may find it difficult to stop. The Brandywine Wind is filled with friendly and fun people of all ages. Our community band provides a venue for players of all levels.
If you or someone you know would like to find out more about playing with the Brandywine Wind, please have them contact us on our Facebook page Brandywine Wind or go to our INFO page on this website.